Adapt to Survive—Adapt to Thrive

  Charles Darwin wrote in his Origin of Species that it’s not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. The species that survives is the one that is most adaptable to the changing environment. (–Professor Leon Megginson, “Lessons...

How to use he, she, and they at work

Demi Lovato, an American singer, songwriter, and activist, recently announced that they want to be referred to as nonbinary, which means Demi isn’t a she nor a he. Demi is a “they.” Demi isn’t the only one to announce they prefer that pronoun. I think we’ve all become...

How to Complete a SWOT Analysis

It’s time for a SWOT analysis. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. I recommend doing them twice a year professionally and at least once a year personally. It helps you stay focused on your goals, stay current with your skills, and stay out of that...