Healthy Workspace

by | Nov 8, 2018 | Uncategorized

The Hallowe’en candy is finally gone, and it is time to make my office a much healthier place to spend my day.

I admit it; my office has stopped being a healthy place to work. Not just because I had candy stashed in the drawers, but because I had become too busy and was trying to keep from drowning. In my efforts to stay afloat, I realized that I had let my office hurt me and not help me. I had become lazy, and my workspace became lazy.

Here is how I made my office healthier for me:

  1. I removed all “snack” foods from my office. No more Hallowe’en candy, no more mints for afternoon snacks (which I justified as it gave me fresh breath). No sugar rush during the day possible at my desk. If I need a snack (even fruit), I need to physically get out of my chair and workspace to get it. The steps alone make my workspace healthier. When you keep track of how many empty calories you put in your mouth just because they are handy, it scares you!

[ctt template=”3″ link=”TDcaW” via=”yes” ]Want to make your workspace healthier? Check out these 8 easy tips[/ctt]

  1. I make sure that each day I put a full (large) water bottle on my desk to drink. When the water is there, I manage to drink it. When it isn’t there, I don’t miss it, but since I know it is healthy, I make sure that it is there. I add lemon and flavors to keep me healthy and interested in the water. This also gives me extra steps going to the ladies’ room several times a day. On good days, I fill it up again for the afternoon.
  2. I am committed to standing more. I recently got a standing desk from Anthrodesk, and I love it. I added a standing mat to take pressure off my legs (which worked), but I found that because I was so inundated with work, I was sitting more often than I really should be just because I was too busy to realize I had become lazy with my standing habit. Not only did I commit to standing more, but I also made it easier by adding an Ergonomic Wobble Chair to the mix. It allows me to stand all day, and when needed, lean back onto the chair. The chair engages my core muscles. Almost like exercising (except no sore muscles or sweat!). I raised my chair very high so that I was more or less standing at my desk, with support on my bottom. I have to tell you that I love it just as much as I love the standing desk and the combination has made me feel better and more productive throughout the day. Since I can be more or less standing all day, I find that I am more active, more likely to move around the office instead of “getting out of a chair.” My simple little switch has had a significant effect on making my workspace healthier.

[ctt template=”3″ link=”553C9″ via=”yes” ]A standing desk and a leaning chair is an unknown secret to staying productive and healthy. Thanks #WobbleChair #StandingDesk #AnthroDesk[/ctt]

4.    I set my Fitbit and/or phone to remind me every hour to get up (although I am already up!) and walk around the office for 250 steps per hour. If you’ve ever tried to get 10,000 steps a day, you realize that isn’t easy if you don’t have some form of exercise in your life. Each hour I get a little buzz which reminds me that I need to take a few minutes to walk away from what I am doing, refresh my mind, and move my body. I find that just walking away at least hourly allows me to stay healthier at work in both body and mind.

  1. I stopped each lunch at my desk. I know better. I know that I need a break (every hour as above, and not just at lunchtime). I take time at lunch (at least 15 minutes) and do something that is non-work related. I call my mom or text my boys, I shop online (Christmas is right around the corner), or I play my online games (Word with Friends is still my favorite). My mind needs to be healthy too, and it requires a break during the day.
  2. I take 10 minutes at the end of the day, and I clean up my desk. In fairness, I have always done that, but now I am making sure that I’m cleaning not just the files and clutter on my desk, but also my inbox, and my bulletin board (there were a lot of really old things on that!). I am reorganizing my filing system (I don’t need as many paper files as I have), and my scheduling systems – to ensure the next day starts on-the-right-track!
  3. I am keeping a positive mind. I’m making a point to stay away from finger pointing, gossip, and general negativity. I am looking for the good things in life (both online and in person) and doing my hardest to stay away from those conversations and people that bring me down (you know who they are!).
  4. I am putting a little more pamper into my life, so my desk has some of my favorite hand lotions in a drawer. I changed the photo that I have been looking at for a couple of years and put one of my boys when they were babies. I bought new Post-It notes that make me smile. I bought a new pen. Little things that make me smile and remind me that I am working towards a healthier me, especially while I am at work.

Making my workspace wasn’t expensive. It keeps me healthy, which allows me to be balanced, more productive, and enjoy working at my desk a little more than I have in the past.

What do you do to keep your working space healthy?

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Rhonda Scharf, CSP, HOF, Global Speaking Fellow

Certified Speaking Professional, Hall of Fame

Rhonda Scharf, renowned and award-winning speaker, author, consultant, and trainer, is the “go-to” expert for the Administrative Professional and Executive Assistant community. With over 250,000+ trained across the globe, Rhonda is THE authority for fun and uplifting education for admins, because #ADMINSROCK!




Rhonda Scharf, CSP, HOF, Global Speaking Fellow

Certified Speaking Professional, Hall of Fame

Rhonda Scharf, renowned and award-winning speaker, author, consultant, and trainer, is the “go-to” expert for the Administrative Professional and Executive Assistant community. With over 250,000+ trained across the globe, Rhonda is THE authority for fun and uplifting education for admins, because #ADMINSROCK!