Show Me The Money – Keeping ON TRACK with Rhonda – October 2017

by | Oct 26, 2017 | Ask Rhonda, Help Me Rhonda

On the Right Track

from Rhonda

A Proud Momma   

RhondaChris.jpgMy older son got married on October 13th. I am one extremely proud mother I can tell you! I think I might have had more fun at his wedding than at my own (far less stressful)!
I’m sure that we’ve all done or heard about the exercise of imagining what would be written on our tombstone when we reach the end of our days. One of the things I want to be remembered for is being a good mother. Both my boys assure me that I am, and have been a good mother. That makes me feel good.
I do my best to remember that it isn’t all about the money although sometimes that is easier said than done. That’s what this month’s article is about because there are times when we all get too focused on money. About having enough, saving enough, and enjoying it enough.
On Christopher’s wedding day I can tell you that money was the farthest thing from my mind. I was bursting at the seams with pride and with love.
Kelly, my new daughter-in-law, walked down the aisle to The Beatles “All You Need Is Love” and somedays that is exactly all I need.
I hope that you can see past the dollar signs most days and see that it isn’t all about the money.

read this!


Show Me the Money (or Something Else)

One of the biggest complaints about being an administrative professional is that we often aren’t paid enough for what we do.

But, is money really admins’ biggest issue? If your pay was doubled, would you be much happier?

We all know the adage that “money doesn’t buy happiness.” Many surveys have shown that more money, alone, doesn’t make a huge difference in the way people feel about their job.

Of course, this is assuming that your job pays you enough to cover all your bills. Maybe you don’t fly away on vacation once a year, or ever buy a new car, or own your own home, we’ll assume you do get paid enough that you’re relatively comfortable. (If you can’t pay your bills, it is all about the money. After that, other things are more important.)

So, if it’s not money—what does make people love their jobs?

Let’s take an example. Say your daughter is getting married in the summer, and it just happens to conflict with a major product launch at your company. It wouldn’t matter how much money you were offered to come to work then; you just aren’t going to do it, are you?

I’m 52, and when my dad was young, his family was very poor. Money was (and still is) very important to him. He has a “scarcity” mentality, meaning he’s always worried he won’t have enough money. Growing up, it seemed to me as if we always did have enough money, and I don’t feel that I suffered. I’m not sure he would see it that way.

When I was going to college, my dad instilled in me the importance of having a well-paying job above all else. I knew that I had to make good money so that I, and my family, didn’t suffer. I grew up focusing on the number that was my salary. Since being an admin doesn’t pay as well as many other jobs, I was always unhappy with my pay. That unhappiness worked its way into being unhappy with my boss, my company and my profession.

My children were not raised with a focus on the almighty dollar, in the way that I was. By the time I had children, I understood there was far more to life than just money.

When my younger son, Patrick, graduated from university with a degree in Engineering, he was in hot demand. At every interview he went to, he was offered the job. He was able to pick and choose where he wanted to work.

But the job he selected was not the best paying one. He turned down a six-figure position (right out of university, if you can imagine) because the “cost” of that job was more than he wanted to pay. They expected heavy overtime (as part of his annual salary), they expected a fair bit of travel, and they expected a lot more than Patrick was willing to give just for a big pay cheque.

The company he chose provides a great quality of life in a town that has reasonably priced real estate. And when overtime is expected it is not only rare, it is also paid. He was offered great benefits, and an education allowance. That was the job that made sense to him. I’m glad he didn’t focus on the salary; I’m sure he is much happier with the company he chose because it aligns with his values. recently surveyed people about what was most important than money to them. Seventy-nine per cent of respondents said they preferred new or additional benefits over a pay increase.

Thirty per cent of people surveyed said a flexible schedule (for instance, the ability to work from home) was more valuable than a raise. A free lunch and casual dress were more valuable to 19% of respondents, and employee development programs were more important than a raise to 19% of respondents.

That list shows how important some benefits are over salary. Perks, in general, are an important job consideration to more than half of all people looking for a job.

Currently, 52% of admins (according to are expected to be on call after hours. How important is it to you that you not be on call? A whopping 51% of admins take 10 or fewer vacation days a year. How would you like to be so busy that you can’t even take all of your vacation allowance?

Three out of four employees say their boss is the most stressful part of their job, and 65% of people say they would take a new boss over a pay raise, according to

Clearly, it isn’t all about money.

When you are upset that you’re underpaid or when you feel you’re being taken advantage of, it is important to list all the benefits your job offers you. Take the bottom line out of the equation and ask yourself how important some of the other perks your company offers you are.

How important is a good working relationship with your executive? What is the price for having great co-workers, a decent commute to the office, respect within the team at your workplace, and value afforded to your work skills? What price tag can you put on the fact that your company supports your professional development, or encourages volunteering within your community, or allows you to have decent work/life balance?

Stop thinking about the number that goes on your taxes each year, and focus on all the other benefits you get. That will be more likely to make you want to get up in the morning and feel grateful that you work where you do!



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** To find the article online (or to use social sharing – and please do), link here:
*** To see even more wedding photos (because I am a proud momma!), check them out on Facebook (@Rhonda Scharf)


just for Fun!

A Little Entertainment!

* The most popular Halloween treat to receive is a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup

(Oh I love those too!)  

* 33% of people nap every day

(I am not a napper. Wish I was though.)   

* Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world combined 

* The average household has about five pounds of loose change  
 (Gather it all up! Who knows, maybe you deserve a special night out with it)

Typing raises your breathing rate by 40%   
(At least double that if someone is standing over your shoulder too)  


Far too many people treat Pivot Tables like they’re a scary thing; they’re actually an incredibly powerful and incredibly EASY tool to use for just about everything in Excel. They allow you to process and analyze huge sets of data in seconds, and give you summary reports you can share with your coworkers. This session will start with the easy stuff – creating several useful Pivot Tables – and proceed to some really fun and interesting features of the tool.

Here’s what we’re covering:

  • Pivot Table 101
  • Column Labels, Row Labels, and Values
  • Expanding Selections
  • Formatting and Recalculating
  • Grouping Fields
  • Calculated Fields and Calculated Items
  • Filtering and Slicing

Survive & Thrive as a New Supervisor – November 16, 2017
Pamela Jett Presenting

The transition from staff to “supervisor” can be daunting. Join communication skills expert Pamela Jett as she shares the critical skills required to not only survive, but to thrive in a new supervisory role. Loaded with practical tools and techniques designed to enhance a new supervisor’s leadership communication, delegation and time management, as well as techniques to acquire the supervisor’s mindset and image, this powerful 60 minute program gets results!

What will you learn:

Critical skills to ease the transition from “staff” to supervisor

  • Discover powerful tools to manage “friends” and former colleagues.
  • Master 3 tools to make communication easier, with everyone… every time.
  • Leverage the power of “boundary statements” to enhance productivity.

Discover how to manage time and priorities for maximum success

  • Learn how to prioritize effectively by understanding 4 key activity types.
  • Unlock your peak performance with 10 time management tools successful people use.
  • Master the art of “stewardship” delegation to get things done on time and on target.

Essential tools for tough conversations, performance feedback, and other supervisory challenges

  • Discover what to say/do when tears flow.
  • Learn what never to say during a disciplinary conversation—hint… it’s not what you think.
  • Discover language patterns to make disciplinary conversations easier.
  • Learn how to keep records and notes so that you can hold people accountable.
  • Master the art of open ended questions to gain cooperation.
Rhonda Scharf presenting

Having difficult conversations isn’t fun for anyone. Telling someone they don’t smell nice, saying no to a client, or having to tell someone they no longer have a job is something that no one looks forward to doing. We feel anxious and uncomfortable.

Yet, our roles often demand that we know how, and are willing to have those difficult conversations. We need to be effective and build trust and respect, without damaging relationships along the way.

This webinar will show you what you need to know to have difficult conversations. They won’t be fun, but they will be done and done professionally and respectfully.

Here’s What You Will Learn:

  • Identifying your strengths and weaknesses prior to your difficult conversation
  • Understanding perception and how it affects the conversation
  • 10 tips for handling difficult conversations
  • Giving negative feedback
  • Handling your emotions (and the emotions of the other person)
  • A step-by-step model to follow to make it easy

All Webinars:

Time: 2:00pm ET (1hr each webinar)
Cost: Only $139.00 per dial-in line (unlimited attendance per dial-in line)

Price of the workshop includes:

  • Executive Overview Document (emailed prior to session)
  • Live Q&A session following presentation
  • Recording of session (available for 60 days)
  • 30 days free email one-on-one coaching
  • Toll-Free access
  • Certificates for all attendees

To Register: Email with “Register Me for XX” in the subject line. He will send you all access information and your invoice at that time. 


Coming to Toronto & Chicago

Minute Taking Made Easy is perfect for you if:

  • The thought of taking minutes makes you sweat (the truth is most people get really nervous about taking minutes)
  • You’ve only received minute taking examples from others (and you’re not sure that they are right)
  • You’ve just been asked to start taking minutes or have been taking minutes and haven’t received any formal training (and want to make sure you’re doing it the right way)
  • Too much time is spent stressing and second-guessing whether you’re taking minutes the right way (there is an easy formula that’s actually fun)
  • You’re feeling stress and pressure about your reputation in workplace if you don’t complete the minutes correctly (the potential loss of prestige is a real concern and can affect job security)
  • You’d like to apply for a new position but it requires minute taking skills and you haven’t been trained (Minute Taking Made Easy can give you the skills you need to get that promotion)
  • You didn’t even know a Minute Taking Made Easy training course existed (you actually have options for In-House, Online or Public training programs)

The Minute Taking Made Easy Training includes:

  • Different formats, where, when, how and why to use them
  • A reference manual & 1 year of complimentary follow-up
  • What to write down and what NOT to write down
  • How to listen and what to listen for
  • New techniques to make minute taking EASY!
  • Professional tips so you know what to include and what not to include in your final draft

The Minute Taking Made Easy training helps you take quick, accurate and relevant minutes. This training prepares you for all elements of minute taking (and it takes the stress out of the process for you). The training is immediately applicable and designed for the inexperienced through very experienced minute takers. Plus, this program is in compliance with recertification guidelines for IAAP (International Association of Administrative Professionals). This means you can receive a certificate for recertification and for AAP (Association of Administrative Professionals) it is pre-qualified for 5 points.

The Minute Taking Made Easy Training will:

  • Give you confidence and you’ll know you are taking notes the right way
  • Teach you professional tips, techniques, and shortcuts to save time
  • Provide you with highly marketable skills at an incredibly affordable price
  • Give you additional credentials to add to your resume
  • Increase your employer’s confidence that you are completing documentation correctly in accordance with compliance guidelines
Each session will be from 9:00 – 4:00 including a light breakfast, coffee, tea, and beverages.
Toronto – November 9, 2017 – Eaton Chelsea, 33 Gerrard Avenue
Chicago – November 16, 2017 – Fairmont Millennium Park,
Cost is $379 and includes a full year of coaching and support with Rhonda.
Email to register, or check out for more information.
If you are not in the above-listed cities, check out the online program. If you have 10 or more employees that need this training, contact and I can come to you!
Rhonda Scharf


Rhonda Scharf, CSP, HOF, Global Speaking Fellow

Certified Speaking Professional, Hall of Fame

Rhonda Scharf, renowned and award-winning speaker, author, consultant, and trainer, is the “go-to” expert for the Administrative Professional and Executive Assistant community. With over 250,000+ trained across the globe, Rhonda is THE authority for fun and uplifting education for admins, because #ADMINSROCK!


Rhonda Scharf, CSP, HOF, Global Speaking Fellow

Certified Speaking Professional, Hall of Fame

Rhonda Scharf, renowned and award-winning speaker, author, consultant, and trainer, is the “go-to” expert for the Administrative Professional and Executive Assistant community. With over 250,000+ trained across the globe, Rhonda is THE authority for fun and uplifting education for admins, because #ADMINSROCK!