Busy vs Productive

My New Year’s Resolution is to stop being so busy. It seems that “busy” is a competition for everyone today. “How are you today?” “I’m really busy. You?” “Beyond busy.” I don’t want to be busy. Busy isn’t good. Busy is panic, lots of movement, but not big on results....

Don’t Answer That!

I was in the airport recently (along with thirty-five of my new best friends) waiting for a maintenance delay to be over so we could all get to where we wanted to go. One gentleman in particular was not happy to hear that yet another delay had been posted for our...

Every Day Can be Thanks Giving Day

What has happened to our culture that we don’t say “thank-you” anymore? I was in a drug store recently and made a sizeable purchase. At the end of the purchase, I said, “thank-you.” I really think that the cashier should have said “thank-you,” as I’m sure—considering...