Dealing With Office Gossip

by | May 27, 2019 | Ask Rhonda, Goal Setting, Help Me Rhonda, Uncategorized

“Did you hear the latest about Rhonda? Last week she….”

And so it goes. Typical office conversation. Gossip. It happens in every workplace and in every family. For some reason, we just love to talk about others. Perhaps it makes us feel better about ourselves, and maybe it reassures us that no one is perfect. Whatever the case, it can make for some pretty interesting lunch conversation.

Until that conversation is about us, that is. When we’re the subject of office gossip, it no longer seems like harmless entertainment.

It is unrealistic to think that you will never be the subject of gossip. And when you are, it may not be in your best interests to ignore it. Because occasionally that gossip will be damaging to your reputation, whether the information is accurate or not.

[ctt template=”3″ link=”TB_bM” via=”yes” ]It is unrealistic to think that you won’t be the subject of gossip. Here is what to do when it happens.[/ctt]

So what do you do? Do you confront the gossips? Do you deny? Do you ignore?

Ultimately it is your choice; but you need to recognize that there will be consequences for any approach you take. Think through the potential consequences of all your approaches before you take action.

When the gossip is about my personal life (such as my kids, my money, my vacation spots), I tend to ignore it. If the gossip is damaging to my professional reputation (such as alleged inappropriate relationships with co-workers, excessive alcohol, bad behavior in a professional environment), then I will address it.

Here are some tips to keep in mind about gossip:

  • If you are going to have a conversation with the perceived ‘gossip’ be sure to have that conversation in private. No one else needs to be part of the discussion.
  • Be sure that you don’t attack, accuse or intimidate the person.
  • Do not bring others into the conversation (“Marlene told me that you said…”) as it will derail the point of the conversation.
  • Be clear on why you are approaching this person. What is your purpose? Is it to have the gossip stopped altogether, or to correct the information? Be sure to have your intent in mind.
  • Be clear on what you expect to happen as a result of your conversation.

[ctt template=”3″ link=”UnHgy” via=”yes” ]Be clear on what you expect to happen when you confront your gossiper at work![/ctt]

For example, here’s what not to say:

“Caroline, you and I need to talk. Marlene told me that you were spreading gossip about me around the office. I want it to stop—you have no idea what you’re talking about and Marlene isn’t the only one who told me you are doing it, either. You stop talking about me or I’m going to Human Resources tomorrow. Do you understand?” 

Here’s what you should say:

“Caroline, I’m hearing some gossip about me that is damaging to my professional reputation. I’m not accusing anyone of anything. I don’t know if you’ve heard the rumors going around about me or not, but they’re really disturbing. If you hear of anyone talking about me, I would appreciate it if you would ask them to stop.“ 

Yes, this is a very passive approach to the gossip, but it is likely to be far more effective than if you take the first approach and go in guns blazing.

If the gossip continues, you may choose to escalate the matter a bit, or take a different approach:

“Caroline, rumor has it that I’m the subject of some hurtful gossip recently. The rumor also states that you’ve had an active part in spreading this gossip. I can’t prove anything and sometimes gossip is just not true, as you know. I’m just going to ask that if you have any questions about what happened, that you come directly to me rather than talking to others about me.“

If your professional reputation is being compromised, you have to do something about the gossip.

If you need some in-depth help with confrontation skills, you can check out my website,, for many past articles, and blog postings.

I would love to know how you’ve dealt with office gossip in the past, either successfully or unsuccessfully. Continue this conversation on our blog discussion board at You can post anonymously, and remember, we can all learn from successes as well as failures.

Article By, Rhonda Scharf

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Rhonda Scharf, CSP, HOF, Global Speaking Fellow

Certified Speaking Professional, Hall of Fame

Rhonda Scharf, renowned and award-winning speaker, author, consultant, and trainer, is the “go-to” expert for the Administrative Professional and Executive Assistant community. With over 250,000+ trained across the globe, Rhonda is THE authority for fun and uplifting education for admins, because #ADMINSROCK!




Rhonda Scharf, CSP, HOF, Global Speaking Fellow

Certified Speaking Professional, Hall of Fame

Rhonda Scharf, renowned and award-winning speaker, author, consultant, and trainer, is the “go-to” expert for the Administrative Professional and Executive Assistant community. With over 250,000+ trained across the globe, Rhonda is THE authority for fun and uplifting education for admins, because #ADMINSROCK!